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Peer-reviewed publications

In progress

Dennedy-Frank, P.J., A. Visser, F.Z. Maina, & E.R. Siirila-Woodburn, Investigating watershed-scale hydrologic connections and water sources with dynamic-flux particle tracking, submitted to Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

Thiros, N.E., M. Sprenger, K.H. Williams, P.J. Dennedy-Frank, R.W.H. Carroll, W.P. Gardner, E.R. Siirila-Woodburn, Bedrock Groundwater Contributions to Mountain Hillslope Hydrologic Dynamics: Investigating Water Partitioning with Modeled Groundwater Age Distributions, submitted to Geophysical Research Letters


Massoud, E.C., F. Hoffman, Z. Shi, J. Tang, E. Alhajjar, M. Barnes, R.K. Braghiere, . . ., P.J. Dennedy-Frank, et al.  (2023). Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence for Predictions in Ecohydrology. in press at Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems.

Siirila-Woodburn, E.R., P.J. Dennedy-Frank, A. Rhoades, P. Vahmani, F. Maina, B. Hatchett, Y. Zhou, & A. Jones. The Role of Atmospheric Rivers on Groundwater: Lessons Learned From an Extreme Wet Year. Water Resources Research 59, no. 6 (2023): e2022WR033061.

Thiros, N.E., E.R. Siirila-Woodburn, P.J. Dennedy-Frank, K.H. Williams, & W.P. Gardner (2023). Constraining bedrock groundwater residence times in a mountain system with environmental tracer observations and Bayesian uncertainty quantification. Water Resources Research, 59, e2022WR033282.


Maina, F.Z., H.M. Wainwright, P.J. Dennedy-Frank, & E.R. Siirila-Woodburn (2022), On the similarity of hillslope hydrologic function: a clustering approach based on groundwater changes. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 26, 3805- 3823,

Maina, F.Z., A. Rhoades, E.R. Siirila-Woodburn, & P.J. Dennedy-Frank (2022), Projecting end-of-century climate extremes and their impacts on the hydrology of a representative California watershed. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 26, 3589-3609,

Sprenger, M., R.W.H. Carroll, P.J. Dennedy-Frank, E.R. Siirila-Woodburn, M.E. Newcomer, W. Brown, A. Newman, C. Beutler, M. Bill, S.S. Hubbard, K.H. Williams (2022), Variability of Snow and Rainfall Partitioning Into Evapotranspiration and Summer Runoff Across Nine Mountainous Catchments. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL099324,

Maina, F.Z., E.R.Siirila-Woodburn, & P.J. Dennedy-Frank (2022), Assessing the impacts of hydrodynamic parameter uncertainties on simulated evapotranspiration in a mountainous watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 608,

Feldman, D.R., M. Worden, N. Falco, P.J. Dennedy-Frank, J. Chen, B. Dafflon, H.M. Wainwright (2022), Three- dimensional surface downwelling longwave radiation clear-sky effects in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL094605,


Dennedy-Frank, P.J. and S.M. Gorelick (2020), Insights on Expected Streamflow Response to Land-Cover Restoration. Journal of Hydrology, 589,


Dennedy-Frank, P.J. and S.M. Gorelick (2019), Insights from watershed simulations around the world: Watershed service-based restoration does not significantly enhance streamflow. Global Environmental Change, 58,

Dennedy-Frank, P.J. (2019), Including the Subsurface in Ecosystem Services. Nature Sustainability, 2(6), 443,

Kroeger, T., C. Klemz, T. Boucher, J.R.B. Fisher, E. Acosta, A.T. Cavassani, P.J. Dennedy-Frank, L. Garbossa, E. Blainski, R.C. Santos, S. Giberti, P. Petry, D. Shemie, and K.C. Dacol (2019), Returns on investment in watershed conservation: Application of a best practices analytical framework to the Rio Camboriú Water Producer program, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Science of the Total Environment, 657, 1368-1381,


Fisher, J.R.B., E. Acosta, P.J. Dennedy-Frank, T. Kroeger, & T.M. Boucher (2017), Impact of satellite imagery spatial resolution on land use classification accuracy and modeled water quality. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation,

Guswa, A.J., P. Hamel, P.J. Dennedy-Frank (2017), Potential effects of landscape change on water supplies in the presence of reservoir storage. Water Resources Research, 53, 2679-2692,


Hamel, P., K. Falinski, R. Sharp, D.A. Auerbach, M. Sanchez-Canales, and P.J. Dennedy-Frank (2016), Sediment delivery modeling in practice: Comparing the effects of watershed characteristics and data resolution across hydroclimatic regions. Science of the Total Environment, 580, 1381-1388,

Vogl, A.L., P.J. Dennedy-Frank, S. Wolney, J.A. Johnson, P. Hamel, U. Narain and A. Vaidya (2016), Managing forest ecosystem services for hydropower production. Environmental Science and Policy, 61, 221-229,

Dennedy-Frank, P.J., R.L. Muenich, I. Chaubey and G. Ziv (2016), Comparing two tools for ecosystem service assessments regarding water resources decisions, Journal of Environmental Management, 177, 331-340,


Rahman, K., S.M. Gorelick, P.J. Dennedy-Frank, J. Yoon and B. Rajaratnam (2015), Declining rainfall and regional variability changes in Jordan. Water Resources Research, 51, 3828-3835,


Invited presentations


Siirila-Woodburn, E.R, A. Rhoades, B. Hatchett, L. Huning, J. Szinai, C. Tague, P.S. Nico, D. Feldman, A.D. Jones, W.D. Collins, L. Kaatz, F.Z. Maina & P.J. Dennedy-Frank (2022) Defining a low-to-no snow future and subsequent impacts on the integrated mountain hydrologic cycle, presented at Frontiers in Hydrology Meeting 2022, AGU, 19-24 June.


Dennedy-Frank, P.J., A. Vogl, R. Abell, V. Bonnesoeur, K.A. Brauman, W. Buytaert, J. Cassin, J.J.C., Camacho, T. Grantham, S. Kang, J. Matthews, S. Moss, D. Sotomayor and K. Vigerstol (2020), Reviewing the Evidence: How do nature-based solutions affect water flows in agriculture and rangelands, Abstract H181-01 presented at 2020 Fall Meeting, AGU, 1-17 Dec.


Dennedy-Frank, P.J. (2018), Effects of land-cover change on streamflow: Analysis of watershed simulations from around the world. National Center for Environmental Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, CA, 6 June.


Dennedy-Frank, P.J. (2015), Model structure uncertainty for assessing hydrologic ecosystem services. Natural Capital Symposium, Stanford, CA, 23-25 March.


Dennedy-Frank, P.J. (2014), Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT): A broadly-used, process-based ecohydrologic model. TNC Prioritization Webinar, 5 June.

Other publications


Feldman, D., V. Chandrasekar, P.J. Dennedy-Frank, D. Dwivedi, M. Mudigonda, K. Mukkavilli, U. Mital, & E.R. Siirila- Woodburn (2021), Reliable modeling and prediction of precipitation & radiation for mountainous hydrology. United States,

Sprenger, M., S. Saia, P.J. Dennedy-Frank, & E.R. Siirila-Woodburn (2021), Preferential flow in subsurface hydrology: From a century of denial to a decade of addressing it via ML? United States,


Kroeger T., C. Klemz, D. Shemie, T. Boucher, J.R.B. Fisher, E. Acosta, P.J. Dennedy-Frank, A.T. Cavassani, L. Garbossa, E. Blainski, R.C. Santos, P. Petry, S. Giberti and K. Dacol (2017). Assessing the Return on Investment in Watershed Conservation: Best Practices Approach and Case Study for the Rio Camboriú PWS Program, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA.


Kroeger, T., C. Klemz, T. Boucher, J.R.B. Fisher, E. Acosta, A.T. Cavassani, L. Garbossa, E. Blainski, R.C. Santos, P.J. Dennedy-Frank, P. Petry, S. Giberti, D. Shemie and K. Dacol (2015), Estimating the return on investment in watershed conservation: Best practices approach and case study for the Rio Camboriú PWS program, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Report to Funders, TNC.

Daily, G.C., M.H. Ruckelshaus, S. Ma, B.A. Eichelberger, J.M. Duggan, Y.B. Ghile, G.M. Kaiser, B.W. McNally, G. Ziv, M.N. Conte, P.J. Dennedy-Frank and E.M. Rauer (2015), Enlisting nature’s benefits: Quantification and valuation of ecosystem services to inform installation management. ESTCP Project RC-201113.

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